Is time for update blog :)
Story start from last saturday , Pameran Day :)
That day i was sick , but i still came because of ?
Pameran Day ! XD
Is feel not so good , i was bought spangetti , lemon jade jelly and sushi ;)
Not use over RM10 xD
My frens was ate icecream was taking for fried one per RM2.50
I see them ate dou so xin ku haha xD
That icecream keep come out ;)
But looks so nices , haih , i cant eat :]
This year pameran not good den last year :)
Go PRS Room keep take pic , im not join in but also got few pic that they took XD
5/7 My Brother Birthdays ! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS ! :]
He is belanja one cup snowflake - Honey Green Tea nices like it so much ! :]
8/7 was HuiLin's Birthdays ! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS ! :]
Is gonna belanja eu eat GCB ! XD
Nothing that i can show XD
个人取向 ! Personal Taste ! :]
李敏镐 孙艺珍
全镇浩 朴开仁 ! :]
