美轩 我不知道我爸爸要不要载 , 而且我也不想去
很晒很热又少人 加上我跟你姐姐不熟 , 不好意思
还提议早上七点去 ! 很早叻 换取九点也很早 ..
你讲九点很迟 ?! 对你来说而已吗 你常常早起 九点对你来讲很迟 ,
我要睡觉 XD
你都知道我几 贪睡 XD
没有睡上八个小时 很难起来 :)
因为我五天三天要早起 星期六和星期日是给我睡够够 XD
明天有考试 等假期或者考试过后 才去打 :)
美轩谢谢你 个我说了那么多东西
我觉得 我有做到一点点 XD
明天考试 考三科 国语理解 , Sivik , Pjk :)
Pjk .. 我不会读 而且不懂读什么 XD
还有三天才考完 考完后过两天 就 ..
Happy Holidays !
两个星期 :)
两个星期玩电脑 ?! XD
Taeyang - wedding dress :) 
English lyris :)
English lyris :)
The wedding dress you’re wearing
It’s not me (next to you)
Oh, the wedding dress you’re wearing, oh, no
You never knew how I felt about you
And I hated you so
Sometimes I wished you would be unhappy
Now I have no more tears left to cry
When I’m by myself I talk to you like you’re here
I’ve felt so restless every night
Maybe I’ve known all along this would happen
I close my eyes and dream an endless dream
Please leave him and come to me
Baby, don’t take his hand when he comes to you
Coz you should be my lady
I’ve been waiting for you for so long
Look at me now
When the music starts
You will vow to spend
The rest of your life with him
How I prayed every night
This day would never come
The wedding dress you’re wearing
It’s not me (next to you)
Oh, the wedding dress you’re wearing, oh, no
Please be happy with him
So that I can forget you
Please forget how miserable I looked
It’s going to be unbearably hard for me
For a long while to come
It’s not me (next to you)
Oh, the wedding dress you’re wearing, oh, no
You never knew how I felt about you
And I hated you so
Sometimes I wished you would be unhappy
Now I have no more tears left to cry
When I’m by myself I talk to you like you’re here
I’ve felt so restless every night
Maybe I’ve known all along this would happen
I close my eyes and dream an endless dream
Please leave him and come to me
Baby, don’t take his hand when he comes to you
Coz you should be my lady
I’ve been waiting for you for so long
Look at me now
When the music starts
You will vow to spend
The rest of your life with him
How I prayed every night
This day would never come
The wedding dress you’re wearing
It’s not me (next to you)
Oh, the wedding dress you’re wearing, oh, no
Please be happy with him
So that I can forget you
Please forget how miserable I looked
It’s going to be unbearably hard for me
For a long while to come
178th post coming soon XD :)