
School Exam!!!

OMG!!! This week & next week got EXAM!!!so hard leh T.T...HATE EXAM!!!now is second week means until thursday no EXAM jor happi^^ XDD but saturday wan go to school HATE T.T...help!help!help! i wan change school!!!cuz this school like a SHIT!!!2day de SCIENCE so HARD!!!the NORILLA gv so hard the quiz!!!dun know how to do T.T...cincai write lolZ...>.<

Den the SEJARAH...lucky is circle onli no nid write de YEAH!!!happi...cuz write we dun know ma cuz sejarah for mani ppl is like a SHIT lolX...XDD the BM so hard leh start quiz1&2 i dun know how to do cincai circle 1 lo~wat SHIT la the teacher 2day meeting until 3++pm den we got a EXAM also at 2++pm wan start jor den the teacher la MEETING!!! MEETING!!! METTING!!! eat SHIT lo~MEETING...>.<>

Den 2day RAINING!!!when we rest time den raining leh the wind so big the rain also BIG!!!wan go to kantin also cant leh!!!so mi & my fren bo thing eat jor so cham T.T cuz the kantin out like BANJIR cant across >.

Den go into class wa...wa...wa...the floor all is water i think they ply water wif my class ppl cuz mani class got mani gangster de ma...so come ply lo u kacau mi i kacau bak u is reali de lo~mani ppl will do like tat is NORMAL XDD got 20minit wan EXAM jor teacher see the floor mani water call they clean lo...cuz raining so big ma so mani ppl de shoe got wet jor call who wan take the shoe go to dry YUCK!!!so geli & BUSUK >.<

5.10pm start EXMA jor lu~lolX...y is the SCIENCE XDD hehe den 6.40pm finish EXAM got 10minit lagi wan balik jor ^^ happi happi HAPPI ENDING keke

